Fourth Quarter Financial Report 2023

The Ulster County Comptroller’s office strives to provide timely and relevant financial information, yet due to the delayed availability of financial data this quarterly report is unfortunately outdated. Under §C-53 (6) of the Ulster County Charter, the County Commissioner of Finance is required to “submit a complete statement of County Finance to the County Executive and the County Legislature on or before the first day of March.” However, this deadline has proven unrealistic. In 2023, there was an attempt – fully supported by the Comptroller’s Office – to align the reporting deadline with the New York State Annual Financial Report due May 1st. Unfortunately, the proposed resolution failed because it included multiple changes to the Ulster County Charter, many unrelated to the Department of Finance. As a result, the deadline for the Ulster County Department of Finance to provide a final report on the financial condition of the County for 2023 was due on March 1st, 2024.

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