The Ulster County Comptroller’s Office has Charter-mandated responsibility for contract and payment approvals. Our goal in providing this Vendor and Contract Dashboard is to provide greater transparency of County operations.
You can access the Vendor and Contract Dashboard HERE
This dashboard includes the following data for the period from January 1, 2022, to October 31, 2024:
- Payments made to vendors of the County,
- Active contracts held by the County,
- Any amendments made to the included contracts.
This Dashboard contains data from the County’s main financial management system but is not a complete record of the County’s finances. For example,the Dashboard excludes payroll, public safety sensitive payments,and expenditures as dictated by New York State through the Welfare Management System.
Payment data may not exactly match the data reported elsewhere because payments presented here are prior to accounting adjustments. Ulster County maintains its accounting records in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles. As a result of modified accrual basis accounting requirements, certain payment dates may appear to fall outside of the contract date range. The Comptroller’s office routinely verifies that all payments expenditures were incurred within the contract period.
This Dashboard is intended to allow the public immediate access to public information. The information provided is limited in scope, provided on an “as is” basis, and subject to change without notice. This Dashboard will be updated periodically and identifies the date of the latest update. While all attempts are made to provide accurate, current, and reliable information, the County recognizes the possibility of human and/or mechanical error. Therefore, the County, its employees, officers, agents, and agencies make no representations as to the accuracy, completeness, currency, or suitability of the information provided, and deny any expressed or implied warranty as to the same.
If you have questions, or identify an error, please email