Ulster County Pay Dashboard The Comptroller’s Office promotes transparency and openness with the public in all possible areas. The intent behind the Public Pay Dashboard is to provide greater insight into county personnel costs. Certain pay codes were aggregated to protect private personnel information. Public facing data provides a deeper understanding of local government operations and enables policy makers and community partners to make informed decisions.
The Ulster County pay dashboard was created using payroll data from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2023. All data was pulled from MUNIS, the county’s financial system. This dashboard is a work in progress and will be updated periodically.
The highest paid and department dashboards total the sum of all payments made to each employee for 2022 and 2023. The position dashboard averages out the pay per each position based on the sum of payments and the number of individuals in the role.
Payments were collated in buckets based on the pay code. These buckets are Base Pay, Overtime Pay, Personnel Benefits, and Other Pay. They are listed below.
Departments were collapsed into each other following the county website listing of departments for ease of use. A list of departments is provided after the pay code section.