Guest Column – Tough Times Are Ahead for Ulster County

As your comptroller, it’s my responsibility to let employees, residents and taxpayers know how things look as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. We have gone from early April projections of a potential 10% budget shortfall of $34.5 million (which was unthinkable) up to a 15% shortfall of$50 million (which …

Salary Shift to NYS Unemployment Insurance

County Comptroller Calls for Examination of Salary Shifting Homebound Employees Unable to Work to Unemployment Kingston, NY (April 28, 2020) – Ulster County Comptroller March Gallagher urged County Executive Patrick Ryan and Legislative Chairman David Donaldson to examine whether Ulster County should discontinue employment for certain employees as a result …

Revenue Impacts of COVID-19 in Ulster County

County Comptroller Issues Discussion Brief on Potential Covid-19 Ulster County Revenue Impacts Kingston, NY (March 13, 2020) –Ulster County Comptroller March Gallagher today published a discussion brief of potential revenue impacts as a result of COVID-19. “COVID-19 is likely to have substantial negative impacts on Ulster County sales and use …