Risk Assessment Survey Press Release 2017

An Ounce Of Prevention… Identifying Risks & Weaknesses To Combat Fraud, Waste & Abuse

Kingston, NY (January 17, 2017) – Ulster County Comptroller Elliott Auerbach, in a continued effort to ensure best practices while safeguarding against waste, loss,and misuse of taxpayer money,commenced the 2017 RISK ASSESSMENT QUESTIONNAIRE. Virtually all units and elective offices of Ulster County government are in receipt of a self-assessment survey highlighting questions concerning internal controls and associated risk factors.

“Each new year brings with it a unique set of circumstances for Departments, Offices, and Agencies across every level of government,” said Auerbach. “Whether it’s identifying outsourced activities, programmatic restructuring, or recentoutside audits or investigations, it’s the Comptroller’s job to be kept abreast of the current operations of the County, which can be no small task. The Risk Assessment is an invaluable tool in this regard, providing my Office with up-to-date information on the general environment surrounding several dozen units of County government.”

The data gleaned from the questionnaire will be used to assist the Comptroller in crafting his Annual Audit Report, as well as his 2017 Audit Plan. Responses are due back by February 7th. “The RISK ASSESSMENT SURVEY continues to draw from standards and practices recommended by the NYS Office of the Comptroller (OSC), the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, and other industry resources,” said Auerbach.“According toOSC,‘[r]isk assessment can begin by asking a series of predetermined questions, obtaining answers and analyzing the results,’ which underscores my Office’s way of thinking that prevention through shining some sunlight on certain areas of concern is the best deterrent against fraud or carelessness.”

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