Preventing Pricey Prescriptions: Comptroller Works with Personnel and Insurance Officers to Keep Drug Costs in Check
Kingston, NY (October 10, 2019) – The diligent work of claims auditing staff and the Personnel Officer could annually save the County thousands of dollars as the Comptroller’s suggestions are implemented in October. After the Comptroller’s Office proposed administrative changes to a prescription drug plan without any reduction in benefits, the Personnel Department has secured a plan that would save approximately $40,000 for the County annually. This amount may grow even higher if subsequent opportunities become available.
As the County is responsible for medical care connected to work-related injury or illness, these prescription payments can easily add up to extremely large dollar amounts. Claims auditors noticed a troubling trend of remarkably excessive costs for some medications, which prompted a recommendation to the Personnel and Insurance Officers that certain drugs be attained from a current prescription service at a cost that is much more favorable than what was presently being paid. The County instantly realizes this $40,000 annually in direct savings by changing the pharmacy benefit service without any consequence to the insured. There remains a strong probability that similar adjustments could be made in the future for other pharmaceuticals that would result in greater savings and efficiencies.
“It’s a testament to the everyday oversight of expenditures that our claims auditors provide,” said Comptroller Adele B. Reiter. “Their watchful eyes aren’t only deterrents to fraud and abuse; they help assure that every County expense is reasonable, appropriate, and in line with best practices. I thank the Personnel and Insurance Departments for their cooperation and for embracing our approach that offers a more efficient service at a considerably lower price to Ulster County.”
In consultation with the Personnel and Insurance Departments, the Comptroller’s Office will continue to examine this matter and seek all opportunities to contain and alleviate exorbitant drug costs wherever possible