Enhancing Ethics and Intensifying Integrity
Kingston, NY (August 24, 2016)…“What’s going on in New York State government lately is simultaneously heartbreaking, head –scratching and almost comic,” stated Preet Bharara, the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York. And according to a recent report released by Ulster County Comptroller Elliott Auerbach entitled ETHICALLY ULSTER, Ulster County has an opportunity to address this complacency by expanding their ethics law and updating the current county code.
The report made recommendations directed toward several policies including campaign contributions, gifting and advertising by elected officials. Some of the recommendations include:
- Capping the frequency of allowable gifts to an elected official or employee
- Regulating taxpayer funded advertisement of elected officials, and
- Limiting vendor campaign contributions
The review considered existing language and provided comparisons to ethical procedures of other counties, as well as commended the oversight by the County’s Board of Ethics. Auerbach noted that Ulster County“ should not use the Albany excuse when it comes to adopting meaningful ethics reform. ”He went on to say that the County has an “opportunity to be a trailblazer among municipalities, restore the public’s faith in government and take a proactive approach to ethics reform. ”The report can be found on the Comptroller’s website at www.YourEyesOnUlster.com or at the link.