Family of Woodstock Contract(s) Audit

Timeliness of Contracts Challenge Family and County Delays Disrupt Reporting and Billing

Kingston, NY (September 07, 2017) –The multi-million-dollar relationship between Family of Woodstock(Family) and Ulster County prompted an audit of five contracts extending to the Department of Social Services, the Probation Department and the Youth and Human Services Bureau. The sum of those contracts accounted for over 17% of the $2.4 million the County gave Family in 2016.

Over the past five years Family has received more than$10 million and relies both directly and indirectly on the County to fund approximately 25% of its total budget. Family, which currently has over 20 active contracts, provides a myriad of programs that encompass case management services, homeless and domestic violence shelters, child care support, court advocacy, emergency food pantries, and hotline and walk-in centers.

One of the noted findings that contributed to delays in reporting and invoicing on the part of Family was a result of conflicts between New York State and Ulster County budget calendars. In several instances,this three-month holdup caused contract deadlines to be missed and reports to go unmet. Other areas of concern focused on budget allocations of weekly costs and acceleration of expensing payroll.As a result, and by its own admission, Family “will discontinue its practice of accelerating the completion of the contract prior to 12 months.”

Recommendations by the Office of the Ulster County Comptroller, included contract streamlining and finalization prior to services being rendered; an improved reporting and review process;clear and objective outlines of terms, conditions and anticipated outcomes; and performance evaluations based on deliverables as defined in the scope of services.

The report can be found at or at

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